Good tone singing is highly dependent on the size of ones throat. A larger throat allows for better reverberation and a stronger, vibration within the vocal cords. Overall, good tone singing is made up mainly of 1) tone intensity, 2) a smooth, even vibrato, and 3) ability to produce strong high and low notes-depending on your voice type.
• Low formant is for resonance
• High formant is for ring
• Vibrato-a pulsating change of pitch, used to add expression. A smooth vibrato adds a richness to the tone which is usually more enjoyable for the listener and easier on the voice of the singer
• Head voice or upper register is where high notes are correctly sung. The resonance is normally felt in the lip area or cheekbones (with the head voice register, judgment is normally based on quality of purity in the voice)
When a singer displays each of these abilities then it’s considered proper voice placement.
Acquiring this ability of proper voice placement or good tone singing, is through correct voice training, which includes a few basic steps.
1. Relaxing when you sing is very important. If you tense up when singing, it will cause weak resonance and tone in your voice. It’s also important not to strain when trying to hit a note out of your range. Straining will not help you to hit the note, you must remain relaxed.
2. Breathing- another key factor to good singing should be done correctly. Eighty-percent of our singing voice is made up of air, therefore labeling the voice equivalent to a wind instrument. Correct breathing is done from the diaphragm. Watch the breathing of a baby, noting the rising and falling of his stomach when breathing-this is the proper way. It is done without your shoulders moving and your chest will have very minimal movement. Practice the method by stabilizing your shoulders and concentrating on your stomach moving in and out.
3. Warm-up. Just as with any form of exercise, when working with your voice, you should warm up by humming prior to singing.
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4. Study your role model. Pay attention to how they sing, what style singing they have, the type of people they perform for. Trying to incorporate this into your singing will be a helpful learning tool. But do not try to copy your role model, incorporate your own signature singing style.
5. Create your own style by trying different variations of music, or discovering your own way to add a “touch of you” to a song. This is important in setting yourself apart as an individual.
6. Get a job. After you’ve worked on the techniques, put yourself out there in the public. Sing at your hometown church, or community chorus, try getting a singing job at a restaurant or night club. This is great practice for you and will help you become acclimated to singing for a crowd, as well as get you acquainted with the public.
7. Keep track of your progress. It’s a good idea to record yourself singing so you can hear your own progress. Do this once a month so you can detect your areas of weakness and strength.
8. Taking care of your voice is crucial if you want to move forward on this goal. Do not scream or yell. Make sure to drink at least 64 fluid ounces of water each day to keep your vocal chords properly hydrated. Avoid dairy products because they produce mucous which will make it hard to keep your throat clear and affect your voice quality. Do not smoke or spend a lot of time around people who smoke, as the chemicals can wreak havoc on your vocal chords
9. Find a coach. Taking a few voice lessons from a professional is very helpful in your endeavor. If you cannot afford to hire a professional, there’s some great software available to teach yourself. This is crucial because if you do not implement the proper techniques, it can harm your voice.
And remember to keep singing for the love of it!
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